Saturday, May 2, 2009


What is happiness? Who is happy and who is not? Who is happier than others? These and many other questions are raised today in our society that many of us have attempted to answer them. So what is the definition of the word happiness?

Mane definitions are given about happiness but none of them seem to be concrete because many of us are in search of happiness and are not quite sure if we can find it or even understand it. For example when we are told a joke, we laugh. That shows that we are happy, but that condition of happiness is the most temporary one since it doesn’t last for long. Another example would be when something good happens to us. For example a student feels happy for getting a good grade on a test. That kind of happiness comes from accomplishments and rewards. These and many other examples can show what makes people happy. But what is the exact definition and how do we come to understand that what we are experiencing is everlasting happiness?

Well according to, Dan Gilbert, a psychology professor at Harvard, and author of "Stumbling on Happiness", (Recorded February 2004 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 22:02) - More TEDTalks at« and many other social psychologists, someone knows that he/she is happy when he/she enjoys many positive emotional experiences than negative ones. One concrete measure of happiness that can help us understand whether we are happy or not is the affect balance. Affect balance is the frequency of positive emotions minus the frequency of negative emotions. People, who are most of the time happy and are satisfied with little things in their lives, are the ones who know what happiness feels like. If you want t learn more bout happiness, watch Professor Gilbert’s lecture.

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